The Ten Commandments of Working in the Command Line


  1. Thou shalt backup regularly: Before making major changes, ensure that your data is safe and recoverable.

  2. Thou shalt not rush: Act with deliberation and care, understanding each command before pressing 'Enter'.

  3. Honor thy manuals and documentation: When in doubt, consult the man pages or other reference materials to understand a command's purpose and its options.

  4. Thou shalt not use commands unknown to thee: Avoid executing commands or scripts without a clear understanding of their functions and consequences.

  5. Thou shalt use version control: Keep track of changes to your scripts and configurations, allowing you to revisit or revert when necessary.

  6. Thou shalt not operate with elevated privileges without necessity: Use administrative rights (sudo or root) only when necessary, lest you bring unintended harm to your system.

  7. Remember to keep thy environment clean: Regularly review and maintain files and directories, keeping your workspace organized and efficient.

  8. Thou shalt embrace scripting and automation: Repeated tasks should be scripted, saving time and reducing the potential for errors.

  9. Thou shalt share knowledge with thy peers: The community thrives when knowledge is shared. Offer help to novices and seek advice when you're unsure.

  10. Thou shalt not ignore error messages: When the system speaks of an error, heed its words, seeking understanding and resolution.

May these commandments guide you in your endeavors in the command line, keeping your work efficient, safe, and fruitful.



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